
Dr. Mohammad Nurur Rahman

ড. মোহাম্মদ নূরুর রহমান

Associate Professor

  •   Head of ChE
  •  Room No:  1st Floor, Fluid Mechanics Lab (ME), RUET
  •  Phone:   880-1728-787675
  •  Email:
  •  Website:

I am currently working as the HOD and an associate professor of this department (CFPE). Formerly, I was an assistant professor and lecturer of this department, joined on February 28, 2018 and October 05, 2016 respectively. My job here is to teach the students on various subjects of chemical engineering. Before joining at RUET, I completed my PhD from Nanyang Technological University (NTU), in Singapore in 2014, entitled in "Digital Holographic Systems for Particulate Processes". My research focus is on optical tools development for micro-objects characterization, environmental engineering, traditional and renewable energies and advanced materials.  

  •  First Joined: 05th Oct, 2016
  •      Dept. of Chemical Engineering



Book / Book Chapter
Journal Articles
Conference Papers
SL Authors Title Publisher Details Publication Year Type
1 Md. Shafiul Islam, Tazrian Tamima, Mohammad Nurur Rahman Biodiesel Production from Waste Cooking Oil in Food Industries: An Economic Feasibility Study International Conference on Mechanical, Industrial and Materials Engineering (ICMIMIE) 2019 Conference
2 MN Rahman, A Rajendran, V Kariwala, AK Asundi Effect of particle concentration and turbidity on particle characterization using digital holography Chemical Engineering Research and Design 92 (2), 249-255 2014 Journal
3 T Khanam, MN Rahman, A Rajendran, V Kariwala, AK Asundi Accurate size measurement of needle-shaped particles using digital holography Chemical engineering science 66 (12), 2699-2706 2011 Journal
4 T. Khanam, M. Nurur Rahman, Di. Jianglei, A. Rajendran, V. Kariwala, A. K. Asundi Digital holography: A novel tool for characterization of near-micron sized particles 9th International Workshop on Crystal Growth of Organic Material (CGOM 9), Singapore 2010 Conference
5 T. Khanam, M. Nurur Rahman, A. Rajendran, V. Kariwala, A. K. Asundi Direct measurement of length and orientation of microfibers in solution 9th International Workshop on Crystal Growth of Organic Material (CGOM 9), Singapore 2010 Conference
6 T. Khanam, M. Nurur Rahman, A. Rajendran, V. Kariwala, A. K. Asundi Direct measurement of length and orientation of microfibers in solution American Institutes of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting (10AIChE), Salt Lake City, Utah 2010 Conference
Phd Students
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Masters Students
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Undergraduate Students
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Activity Description