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Events List

05th February, 2020
Seminar on the Importance and Impact of ITEE
27th January, 2020
Plantation of trees plays a momentous role in maintaining the balance in nature...
25th January, 2020
National Hackathon on Frontier Technologies
23rd January, 2020
23rd January, 2020
A Springtime Place: Youth Center a non-formal learning A yo...
18th January, 2020
Freshers’ of the department of Electri...
12th January, 2020
Professor Dr. Boshir Ahmed, Head, Department of CSE ,Visited CSE Old Alumni Offi...
05th January, 2020
Thesis project exhibition at ArchRUET. Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor of RUET has i...
28th December, 2019
Closing Ceremony of 3rd International Conference on Electrical , Computer &...
28th December, 2019
Md. Farukuzzaman Faruk, Lecturer, CSE, RUET has won the best paper award in 3rd...
26th December, 2019
During National AnthemAfter Finishing the Inaugural SessionBest Paper award duri...